Unlocking the Power of Inline Assigned Variables and Shell Built-ins
Image by Hardwick - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Inline Assigned Variables and Shell Built-ins

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Have you ever wondered whether inline assigned variables followed by shell built-ins are accessible by subsequent commands? The answer might surprise you! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of shell scripting and explore the intricacies of inline assigned variables and shell built-ins. Buckle up, and let’s get started!

What are Inline Assigned Variables?

An inline assigned variable is a variable that is assigned a value in the same line as its declaration. This is in contrast to a regular variable declaration, where the variable is declared on one line, and its value is assigned on another line.

# Regular variable declaration
MY_VAR="Hello, World!"

# Inline assigned variable
MY INLINE_VAR="Hello, World!"

What are Shell Built-ins?

A shell built-in is a command that is built directly into the shell, rather than being a separate executable program. Examples of shell built-ins include cd, pwd, and echo.

Shell built-ins are essential to the functioning of the shell, and they provide a way to perform common tasks quickly and efficiently.

The Question: Are Inline Assigned Variables Followed by Shell Built-ins Accessible by Subsequent Commands?

The short answer is: it depends! The accessibility of inline assigned variables followed by shell built-ins depends on the specific shell being used.

Bash Shell

In the Bash shell, inline assigned variables followed by shell built-ins are accessible by subsequent commands. Here’s an example:

MY_VAR="Hello, World!" echo $MY_VAR

In this example, the variable MY_VAR is assigned the value “Hello, World!” and then immediately echoed using the echo command. The output of this command would be:

Hello, World!

As you can see, the inline assigned variable MY_VAR is accessible by the subsequent echo command.

Zsh Shell

In the Zsh shell, inline assigned variables followed by shell built-ins are not accessible by subsequent commands. Here’s an example:

MY_VAR="Hello, World!" echo $MY_VAR

In this example, the variable MY_VAR is assigned the value “Hello, World!” and then immediately echoed using the echo command. However, the output of this command would be:

(no output)

As you can see, the inline assigned variable MY_VAR is not accessible by the subsequent echo command in the Zsh shell.

Why the Difference?

The reason for the difference in behavior between the Bash and Zsh shells lies in the way they handle variable assignments and command execution.

In the Bash shell, variable assignments are executed before the command is executed. This means that the variable is assigned its value before the command is run, allowing the command to access the variable.

In the Zsh shell, variable assignments are executed after the command is executed. This means that the variable is assigned its value after the command has finished running, making it inaccessible to the command.

Best Practices for Using Inline Assigned Variables and Shell Built-ins

While inline assigned variables and shell built-ins can be useful, it’s essential to use them with caution and follow best practices to avoid unexpected behavior.

  • Use inline assigned variables sparingly and only when necessary.
  • Avoid using inline assigned variables with shell built-ins that have side effects, such as changing the current directory.
  • Use parentheses to group commands and ensure that variable assignments are executed before the command is run.
  • Test your scripts thoroughly to ensure that they work as expected in different shells.


In conclusion, the answer to the question of whether inline assigned variables followed by shell built-ins are accessible by subsequent commands depends on the specific shell being used. While the Bash shell allows access to inline assigned variables, the Zsh shell does not.

By following best practices and understanding the intricacies of variable assignments and command execution, you can unlock the full potential of inline assigned variables and shell built-ins in your shell scripts.

Shell Accessibility of Inline Assigned Variables
Bash Accessible by subsequent commands
Zsh Not accessible by subsequent commands

Remember, knowledge is power, and understanding the nuances of shell scripting can take your scripts to the next level. Happy scripting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of shell scripting and uncover the secrets of inline assigned variables and shell built-ins!

Q1: Can I access an inline assigned variable in a subsequent command?

Ah-ha! Yes, you can! When you assign a value to a variable inline, it becomes accessible in the same command. However, its scope is limited to that specific command, and subsequent commands won’t have access to it.

Q2: What happens if I use a shell built-in command after an inline assignment?

Good question! When you use a shell built-in command, like `echo` or `export`, after an inline assignment, the built-in command will see the new value of the variable. However, this only applies to built-in commands, not external commands.

Q3: Can I use inline assignment with the `export` built-in command?

Absolutely! When you use `export` with an inline assignment, the variable becomes part of the environment and is accessible to subsequent commands. This is because `export` is a shell built-in command that affects the environment.

Q4: Are there any exceptions to the inline assignment scope rules?

You bet! One notable exception is when you use inline assignment with a command that spawns a new shell, like `find` or `xargs`. In these cases, the inline assignment will not be visible to the new shell.

Q5: Can I use inline assignment with external commands?

Sorry to disappoint, but no! Inline assignments are only accessible to the same command or shell built-in commands. External commands won’t see the new value of the variable.

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