How to Create an Air-Gapped Installation of Appsmith for Personal Use?
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How to Create an Air-Gapped Installation of Appsmith for Personal Use?

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Are you tired of relying on cloud-based services for your development needs? Do you want to take control of your data and create a secure environment for your projects? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating an air-gapped installation of Appsmith for personal use.

What is Appsmith?

Appsmith is an open-source, low-code platform that enables you to build custom business applications quickly and efficiently. With its intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality, you can create complex applications without writing extensive code. But what makes Appsmith truly special is its flexibility and security features, making it an ideal choice for air-gapped installations.

What is an Air-Gapped Installation?

An air-gapped installation refers to a system that is physically isolated from the internet and other external networks. This means that the system is not connected to the internet, and therefore, it is not vulnerable to cyber threats and data breaches. Air-gapped installations are commonly used in high-security environments, such as government agencies, financial institutions, and research facilities.

Prerequisites for an Air-Gapped Installation of Appsmith

Before we dive into the installation process, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • A dedicated machine or virtual machine (VM) with a 64-bit operating system (Windows, Linux, or macOS)
  • At least 4 GB of RAM and 20 GB of free disk space
  • A compatible database management system (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQLite)
  • A compatible web server (e.g., Nginx, Apache, or IIS)
  • A compatible Docker installation (optional but recommended)

Step 1: Prepare the Environment

First, ensure that your machine or VM meets the prerequisites mentioned above. If you’re using a VM, make sure it’s properly configured and isolated from the host machine.

Next, install the necessary dependencies, including:

  • Docker (if you haven’t already)
  • Your chosen database management system
  • Your chosen web server
apt-get update && apt-get install postgresql nginx -y

Step 2: Download and Extract Appsmith

Download the latest Appsmith binary from the official GitHub repository:


Extract the archive to a directory of your choice (e.g., `/opt/appsmith`):

tar -xvf appsmith-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /opt/appsmith

Step 3: Configure Appsmith

Create a new configuration file (`appsmith.yml`) in the extracted directory:

touch /opt/appsmith/appsmith.yml

Edit the file using your favorite text editor, and add the following configuration:

  url: postgres://appsmith:appsmith@localhost:5432/appsmith
  username: appsmith
  password: appsmith
  database: appsmith

  port: 8080

  - name: api
    url: http://localhost:8080/api

This configuration sets up Appsmith to use a local PostgreSQL database and binds the server to port 8080.

Step 4: Initialize Appsmith

Initialize Appsmith using the following command:

/opt/appsmith/appsmith init

This command will create the necessary database schema and configure Appsmith for first-time use.

Step 5: Start Appsmith

Start Appsmith using the following command:

/opt/appsmith/appsmith start

This command will start the Appsmith server and make it available at `http://localhost:8080`.

Step 6: Configure Nginx (Optional)

If you want to use Nginx as a reverse proxy, create a new configuration file (`appsmith.conf`) in the Nginx configuration directory (e.g., `/etc/nginx/sites-available/`):

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

Save the file and restart Nginx:

service nginx restart

Step 7: Access Appsmith

Open a web browser and navigate to `http://localhost:8080` (or the URL you specified in the Nginx configuration). You should see the Appsmith login page.

Login using the default credentials (username: `admin`, password: `appsmith`) and change them immediately for security reasons.

Security Considerations

As an air-gapped installation, it’s essential to ensure that your system is properly secured. Here are some additional security considerations:

  • Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for all users.
  • Restrict access to the Appsmith interface using IP whitelisting or VPNs.
  • Regularly update your operating system, dependencies, and Appsmith to ensure you have the latest security patches.
  • Implement a robust backup strategy to prevent data loss in case of system failure or compromise.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully created an air-gapped installation of Appsmith for personal use. With this setup, you can enjoy the flexibility and security of an on-premises solution while still leveraging the power of Appsmith’s low-code platform.

Remember to regularly update and maintain your system to ensure continued security and performance. Happy building!

Prerequisites Software
Dedicated machine or VM Windows, Linux, or macOS
Database management system PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQLite
Web server Nginx, Apache, or IIS

By following these steps and taking the necessary security precautions, you’ll be able to create a secure and isolated environment for your personal projects using Appsmith.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use an air-gapped installation of Appsmith for production?

A: While it’s technically possible, we recommend against using an air-gapped installation of Appsmith for production purposes. Air-gapped installations are typically used for high-security environments, and Appsmith’s design focus is on low-code development and ease of use.

Q: Can I connect my air-gapped installation of Appsmith to the internet?

A: No, the purpose of an air-gapped installation is to physically isolate the system from the internet and external networks. Connecting it to the internet would negate the security benefits of an air-gapped installation.

Q: Can I use an air-gapped installation of Appsmith for team collaboration?

A: Yes, but with limitations. Since the system is isolated from the internet, team collaboration would require additional infrastructure and security measures, such as VPNs or secure remote access solutions.

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about creating an airgapped installation of Appsmith for personal use? We’ve got you covered!

What is an airgapped installation, and why do I need it for personal use?

An airgapped installation is a isolated environment where your Appsmith setup isn’t connected to the internet, ensuring maximum security and control over your data. You might want an airgapped installation for personal use if you’re dealing with sensitive data or need a secure offline environment for development and testing.

What are the system requirements for an airgapped installation of Appsmith?

For an airgapped installation, you’ll need a physical machine or a virtual machine with at least 4GB of RAM, 2 CPU cores, and 10GB of free disk space. Additionally, you’ll need a compatible operating system like Ubuntu, CentOS, or RHEL, along with Docker installed.

How do I download and prepare the Appsmith installation package for an airgapped environment?

First, download the Appsmith installation package from the official website. Then, copy the package to your airgapped machine using a secure method like an encrypted USB drive. Make sure to verify the integrity of the package using the provided checksum to ensure a safe installation.

Can I use an existing Appsmith installation and convert it to an airgapped environment?

Yes, you can convert an existing Appsmith installation to an airgapped environment. However, you’ll need to take additional steps to ensure a secure migration, such as disconnecting from the internet, updating the configurations, and reconfiguring the dependencies. Please refer to the official documentation for a detailed guide on the conversion process.

What kind of support can I expect for my airgapped Appsmith installation?

While airgapped installations are not directly supported by Appsmith, you can still get help from the community forums and official documentation. Additionally, you can consider consulting with a certified Appsmith partner or a professional services provider for customized support and guidance.

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